NEET UG Topper 2023: Prabhanjan J made history for his state on Tuesday night as he became the first candidate from Tamil Nadu to top the he National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). Sharing the position with Andhra Pradesh’s Bora Varun Chakravarthi with a perfect score of 720, Prabhanjan attributes his outstanding performance to rigorous practice with NEET-pattern questions.
This is the first time, since NEET became mandatory in 2017 as the single gateway exam for admissions to all medical schools in the country, that candidates from Tamil Nadu have secured the first and third positions in the test. Furthermore, this is the third time in NEET’s history that the toppers have scored full marks. This happened first in 2020 and then in 2021.
Challenging the perception of NEET’s difficulty, said” Many assume NEET to be really tough, but I made it with practice.” He also extended his heartfelt gratitude towards his teachers, parents, and the school management for their unwavering support throughout his journey.
NEET UG 2023 Toppers | AIR 1 | AIR 1| AIR 4| AIR 5 | AIR 8 | AIR 7 |AIR 10 | AIR 11 | Overall result | Tie-breaker | Analysis
After finishing Class 10 under the Tamil Nadu state matriculation (English medium) system, Prabhanjan migrated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for his higher secondary education. It was during this period of rigorous NEET coaching that he gained the necessary skills to tackle the examination. He was a hostel resident at Velammal Vidyalaya, Ayanambakkam, Chennai, where he completed classes 11 and 12.
Both his parents serve as teachers in government schools – his father, B Jagadeesh, teaches history, while his mother teaches mathematics. Prabhanjan scored 463 or 92.6% in his Class 12 Board exams.