The Karnataka transport department Monday issued an order implementing the Shakti scheme to provide free government bus rides to women. Under the scheme, which will come into effect on June 11, transgender persons can also avail free rides on buses belonging to the four state transport corporations – Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC), North Western Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (NWKRTC), and Kalyana Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (KKRTC).
As per the scheme, 50 per cent of the seats will be reserved for men in three transport corporations except the BMTC. The scheme does not apply to A/C and luxury buses and is confined to journeys only within Karnataka. Bus categories like Sleeper, Vajra, Vayuvajra, Airavat, Airavat Club Class, Airavat Gold Class, Ambari, Ambari Utsav, Rajahamsa, and EV Power Plus will not fall under the free bus service scheme for women.
The cost incurred by the transport agencies under the scheme will be borne by the government. The reimbursement to road transport corporations would be made on the basis of the actual distance travelled by women passengers.
The government has also stated that Shakti Smart cards will be issued within three months after receiving and reviewing applications for the scheme through the Seva Sindu portal. Until the smart cards are issued, the transport corporations will provide zero-sum tickets to women upon showing government identity proof.
According to transport officials, the scheme covers 94 per cent of buses under the four road transport corporations (RTCs). A report submitted to the state government by the transport department stated that the RTCs will have to spend over Rs 4,220 crore annually to implement the scheme. The four RTCs have to also induct 4,028 new buses and recruit 13,793 workers to implement the scheme. The implementation of the ‘Shakti Yojane’ is one of the five poll guarantees of the ruling Congress.