The mega-budget big-screen Ramayana adaptation Adipurush has crashed at the box office. After a massive record-breaking weekend, Adipurush witnessed a steep drop on its first Monday, with collections dropping by a whopping 75 percent. The Hindi collections for the movie were in the range of Rs 8-9 crore nett, Box Office India reported. T-Series, Adipurush’s producer, shared the worldwide gross of the film after four days was Rs 375 crore, which means that the film earned Rs 35 crore on Monday globally. The film earned Rs 140 crore on Friday and Rs 100 crore each on Saturday and Sunday, as per the makers.
Adipurush features Baahubali star Prabhas as Raghava, Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh and Kriti Sanon as Janaki.
The massive drop for Adipurush was across the board, leaving the film with no chance to survive at the box office after a jubilant first weekend. The four-day Hindi total of the Om Raut directorial will be around Rs 113 crore nett in India, the report further read. According to trade estimates, the film might now even struggle to cross Kartik Aaryan’s 2022 blockbuster Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2–also backed by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series–which had clocked more than Rs 185 cr.
According to industry tracker Sacnilk, the film’s all-India collection (nett) for Monday was around Rs 20 cr. Adipurush had an opening of Rs 93 cr across languages in India, with Hindi nett being around Rs 37 cr.
Though the weekend worldwide figures of Adipurush broke Pathaan’s record (of Rs 313 crore gross worldwide in the first weekend), it won’t cross Rs 1000 cr global mark that the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer had set earlier this year.
According to trade analyst Taran Adarsh, Adipurush suffered heavily due to poor word of mouth. The film, since its release on Friday, became a subject of ridicule over its poor VFX, bad character design and–what eventually snowballed into a national controversy–its dialogues penned by Manoj Muntashir.
“THE NEGATIVE WORD OF MOUTH HAS COME INTO PLAY… After a strong opening weekend, #Adipurush COLLAPSES on Monday. #Hindi version. #India biz,” he tweeted.
After a strong opening weekend, #Adipurush COLLAPSES on Monday.#Hindi version. #India biz.— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 19, 2023
The makers of Adipurush on Sunday decided to change certain controversial dialogues from the film after they received backlash for distorting and “disrespecting” the epic. Political parties, actors, filmmakers, critics and audience slammed the makers for using “pedestrian language” for Gods.
The backlash prompted Muntashir, a three-time national award winner, to release a statement that he penned more than 4,000 lines in Adipurush but some sentiments got hurt “because of five lines”. “I can give countless arguments in favour of my dialogues, but this will not reduce your pain. I and the producer-director of the film have decided that some of the dialogues which are hurting you, we’ll revise them. They’ll be added to the film this week. May Shri Ram bless you all,” he said.
Adipurush marks the third box office disappointment in a row for Prabhas, who has struggled to match the success of the two-part Baahubali films in recent years. He previously starred in Radhe Shyam and Saaho, both big-budget movies that tanked commercially.