Karal Deol and Drisha Acharya got married on Sunday in the presence of who’s who of the Hindi film industry. The three generations of Deols — grandad Dharmendra, dad Sunny Deol and uncles Bobby and Abhay Deol and the young generation including Karan and Rajvir were seen posing together in many photos, but some new pictures from the event puts the focus on Deol women.
Known for keeping a low profile and shunning public eye, Dharmendra’s wife Prakash Kaur and Sunny Deol’s wife Pooja are seen in the photos as they pose with the newlyweds. Sunny is seen hugging his mother in one of the photos, while Dharmendra and Prakash pose together in another. Pooja, meanwhile poses with Sunny, sons Karan and Rajvir, and Drisha, along with other guests at the wedding.
Earlier, Anupam Kher served nostalgia to his social media followers as he shared pictures from the wedding where he’s seen with his 90’s contemporaries — Dil co-star Aamir Khan, Hum Aapke Hai Koun co-star Salman Khan and Darr co-star Sunny — and wrote a note about how their “class of 90’s” is still going strong as they shared make-up rooms and told stories. However, fans said that they missed seeing Anupam and Sunny’s Darr’s other co-star Shah Rukh Khan who was missing from the frame.
Anupam attended Karan Deol’s wedding on Sunday and shared pictures from the young Deol’s star studded reception and wrote, “Class of 90s. Actors from a pre mobile phones and vanity vans era. When we shared stories! When we shared make up rooms. When we changed costumes in open, behind trees and umbrellas and laughed….. Still going strong!! Still reinventing! Still matter!!’
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Anupam also congratulated the new couple — Karan and Drisha — and wrote, “It was so nice to meet #DharamJi #Sunny #Aamir #Salman at Karan and Drisha Deols wedding. Jai Ho! First pic clicked by @iambobbydeol ! 😍❤️.”
In yet another pictures that Anupam posted, he, Aamir and Sunny are seen standing and posing for the camera with Salman Khan, Dharmendra.
Karan Deol married Drisha on Sunday in the presence of family and friends. The family hosted a big reception that was attended by who’s who from Bollywood.