Manisha Rani, one of the most popular contestants of season 2 of Bigg Boss OTT, hosted by Salman Khan, opened up about her life struggles in the latest episode of the reality show. She said that she ran away from home and then worked as a waitress and a background dancer in Kolkata to make ends meet.
On the show, Manisha shared that she left home because she wanted to learn how to dance, but her father didn’t allow it. She said, “When I ran from home, I went to Kolkata. I wanted to learn to dance and my father was not allowing me, So, I wrote a letter to my father and I ran away with a friend.”
View this post on InstagramManisha also revealed that she apologised to her father and shared what she wrote in that letter. She further shared that she took the train without a ticket and had to sit in a ‘lockup’ for two hours when she got caught. She said, “I got into the train without a ticket. I was so fearless that I did not fear getting arrested, I would sit in the lockup for 2 hours. In fact, we would not even buy Rs 5 platform tickets in Kolkata.” She also opened up about how she lived in a house that was in a very “bad condition.” She shared, “I stayed in a house which was in such a bad condition, I don’t think today any of my family members would be able to live. The house was in a bad condition and had mosquitos.”
Even as she was struggling, Manisha shared that she didn’t want to return home because she wanted to build a life that she dreamed of. “I didn’t want to return home. I wanted to stay in Kolkata and survive at any cost. That was the time when I worked as a background dancer and waitress at weddings. I would wear white shirt and black trousers and stand for 8 hours. We would see fancy food in front of us but were not allowed to eat. I would stand for 8 hours as a waitress and stare at the delicious food. We would sit down in turns and quickly taste some of the food items. I will never forget Kolkata because my journey started from there,” she concluded.
Also ReadAlong with Manisha Rani, other contestants on Bigg Boss OTT 2 are actor Pooja Bhatt, VJ and comedian Cyrus Broacha, Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s estranged wife Aaliya Siddiqui, former lovers Avinash Sachdev and Palak Purswani, gamer and YouTuber Fukra Insaan (Abhishek Malhan), TV actresses Akanksha Puri, Jiya Shankar and Falaq Naaz, Dubai based model Jad Hadid and Mumbai based dentist and Miss India contestant Bebika Dhurve.