Veteran actor Dharmendra‘s grandson, Karan Deol tied the knot with Drisha Acharya on Sunday. Dharmendra’s second wife Hema Malini and their daughters Ahana and Esha Deol didn’t attend the star-studded wedding festivities over the weekend. But on Tuesday evening, Esha took to social media to congratulate the newlyweds. Esha is Hema Malini and Dharmendra’s daughter, and Sunny Deol is Dharmaendra and his first wife, Prakash Kaur’s son.
Esha took to Instagram stories and wrote, “Congratulations Karan and Drisha. Wishing you both a lifetime of togetherness and happiness. Lots of love 🧿❤️.”
After Karana and Drisha tied the knot on Sunday, the Deol family family hosted a grand wedding reception for their friends from the fraternity. Actors Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Anupam Kher, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Shatrughan Sinha, Prem Chopra, and others, were in attendance. However, Hema Malini, Ahana and Esha’s absence was conspicuous.
After the wedding festivities ended on Monday, Karan, who’ll be next seen sharing screen space with his father Sunny Deol, shared some more pictures from the ceremony. These new pictures featured his grandmother Prakash Kaur and mother Pooja in rare appearances. He also shared pictures of Dharmendra, Sunny, brother Rajveer, uncle and aunt Bobby and Tania, and their son Aryaman. He captioned his album: “Grateful for the abundant blessings and the support of our cherished family, with hearts overflowing, we express gratitude and gratefulness.”
In one of the pictures, Dharmendra was seen sharing a fun moment with his first wife, as they blessed Karan and Drisha. In another picture, Sunny and Pooja were seen posing with the newly married couple and Karan’s brother Rajveer.