Bollywood star Kajol is all set to enthrall her fans with a crime-drama The Trial – Pyaar, Kaanoon Dhokha. The Indian adaptation of The Good Wife, will see her essay the role of a lawyer, who’s put into situations where she needs to make some tough choices. In a recent interview, the actor drew references with her personal life and shared that choosing to ‘get married at the peak of her career’ was a tough choice.
“Actually, a lot of instances in my life made me make tough decisions. The fact that I got married at the peak of my career, the fact that I actually joined the film industry, it was a game changer for me because I didn’t know whether I wanted to join the film industry or not,” she told IANS. The actor is married to Ajay Devgn. The two tied the knot in 1999 after dating each other for a few years.
The actor added that her father asked her to think about entering the film industry very carefully as “you’re never going to get rid of this paint on your face”. Kajol added, “Once you put it on, it’s on forever. I remember thinking to myself that no, that’s not true, I can take it off whenever I like. Of course, time has proved that he is right.”
At the trailer launch of The Trial, Kajol revealed that she has watched the original series and ‘loved it’. The actor added that she did have her share of questions about how it would be adapted in Hindi.
“The character was amazing; the concept was fabulous but I did have a question about how it would be adapted in Hindi. That’s when Suparn came, the narration came in. For me, it’s really about the script. The script is never about one character. It is always about everybody’s character. In this series, in the adaptation, (everything) is so well rounded and well written. I loved the script. The script is my king,” the actor shared.
The Trial – Pyaar, Kaanoon, Dhokha also stars Sheeba Chaddha, Jisshu Sengupta, Alyy Khan, Kubbra Sait and Gaurav Pandey, among others. Directed by Suparn S Varma, the show will stream on Disney+ Hotstar from July 14.