A day to commemorate our personal heroes, Father's Day is a day which is not just for all biological fathers but also for all the father figures in our lives who have guided us through the worst. June 18 is observed as International Father's Day when children are reminded once again how special their fathers and father-figures are. As such, children around the world make efforts to make their father feel special and loved. There are many ways you can do that for your father this year; here are some.
Hold a family dinner. You may or may not have dinner with your father everyday. Regardless, make sure to hold a special family dinner for your dad on Father's Day. Cook his favourite meals, order the ones you can't, and bring all his beloved family members to one table for one night. (Source: Pexels)
A fun game night can also be a good alternative. Board games are a great bond builder between fathers and their children. An age-old practice between parents in general, hosting a fun game night with all of your dad's favourite games and people is a great way to spend the evening. However, do make sure to have all his favourite snacks as well, and maybe for healthy competition, you can a allot a prize in the mix, too. (Source: Pexels)
Giving gifts is one of the ways you can show your affection towards your father. It need not be something fancy or expensive. Something a lot more valuable to your father would be a handmade gift. A card maybe, or a DIY decorated Father's Day mug, the possibilities are endless. Wrap them with love, write a small note, and you are good to go! (Source: Pexels)
What is the other most common activity between fathers and children? Yes, we are talking movies. Have a whole movie marathon day! For most dads, sharing their favourite films with their kids is a favourite pastime. One Father's Day, gather all the movies you and your dad have watched and loved together and rewatch them. Again, make sure to also have your father's favourite snacks to make this day unforgettable!(Source: Pexels)
For a lot of children who live away from their fathers, all of this might not be possible. However, instead of your regular phone calls with your dad, try video calling instead. It is always special for a father to be able to see their children, not just talk to them. Moreover, instead of the regular chitchats and short phone calls, allot some quality time to the video call and talk about more relevant and personal things. This will surely make your father feel special, despite being miles away. (Source: Pexels)
If you are looking for something more sentimental, you can walk your dad down memory lane. Make a short film with pictures and videos from his first years as a father up till now. You can also try making the same into a scrapbook or picture collage. This will remain with him forever and he can cherish his fatherhood with each look. (Source: Pexels)
You might think spas are perfect for Mother's Day gifts, but that could not be further from the truth. Men enjoy relaxing and being pampered as much as women do! Gift your dad a spa day to relax and rewind. Book an appointment at an official spa or make the arrangements at home! Either way, he will love it. (Source: Pexels)
Dads and sports are often inter-changeable. A lot of the times, kids are into sports because of their dads. As such, having a sports session with your dad can also be a great idea. If you and your dad have a sport you both love, make a day out of it. (Source: Pexels)
Finally, if for most men, their friends matter. Men have an uncanny bond with their friends which cannot be explained. You can look into this as well. Gather all your father's closest friends together and arrange a fun day out for them. (Source: Pexels)