Congratulations are in order for actor Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Konidela who welcomed their first child, a baby girl, on the morning of June 20. Announcing the news of their child’s birth, the hospital’s bulletin board read, “Miss Upasana Kamineni and Ram Charan Konidela had a baby girl on 20th June 2023, at Apollo Hospital Jubilee Hills Hyderabad. The baby and mother are doing well.”
Ram Charan and Upasana announced their pregnancy in December last year. “With the blessings of Shri Hanuman Ji, we are delighted to share that Upasana and Ram Charan are expecting their first child. With love and gratitude Surekha and Chiranjeevi Konideli, Shobana and Anil Kamineni (sic).”
While Ram Charan is an acclaimed Indian film actor, Upasana is an entrepreneur and vice-chairman of the Apollo Foundation. As the duo embraces parenthood, let’s go down memory lane and revisit their beautiful love story.
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Reportedly, they met each other during their college days through mutual friends and became friends. Eventually, their friendship blossomed into love and they began dating.
“We were friends for a very long time – since college actually. There were no special feelings between us before I went overseas to study. Love just happened and it was a nice change. What drew us together was that we both knew we had to live up to the expectations our families had of us. We shared similar thoughts, we had the same problems and we both shared the same outlook and belief of working hard to achieve success,” Upasna told Ritz Magazine earlier.
Ram Charan recalled that though they had known each other for long, the couple started dating only after the release of his film, Magadheera. “In fact, Orange had also been released by then. All my friends would keep telling me that she really cares for me like nobody else ever would and that I wasn’t recognising the fact that she was the one for me. One fine day, what my dad had told me years ago came back to me. He had told me when I was weighing my career options that I didn’t recognise the opportunities I have as an actor. And that I was looking everywhere while sitting on the pot of gold. The scenario seemed similar now. Here was a girl, my friend of 7 years, everybody was able to see her as my ideal partner and I was being oblivious. That’s when I realised I was waiting to find the right girl while I had her with me all along. My perspective underwent a transformation,” he said.
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After their respective families happily agreed to their union, Ram Charan and Upasana decided to take the plunge and got engaged on December 11, 2011, in Hyderabad. “We had been dating for a couple of years. Both of us went to our family temple without telling anybody and that’s when my parents and other family members realised what we meant to each other. One day we were talking and somehow started discussing marriage,” Upasana added.
Not waiting for too long, the couple finally tied the knot in a traditional ceremony on June 14, 2012. Following the wedding, they hosted a grand wedding reception the same night which was attended by the who’s who of Tollywood and Bollywood.
Throughout their decade-long marriage, Ram Charan and Upasana have consistently shown their unwavering support for each other, evident in their numerous public appearances together. In a recent instance, they embarked on a delightful ‘babymoon’ before setting off to the United States for the Oscars 2023 as Ram Charan‘s acclaimed film RRR was nominated, adding to their excitement and shared pride.
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