Known for its holistic healing techniques, yoga has not yet been explored to its full potential when it comes to pregnant women. An Iranian study in 2021 investigated the effects of yoga on pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcomes and found that it reduced the induction of labour, the episiotomy rupture and the duration of labour while having a significant effect on normal birth weight and delivery at the appropriate gestational age.
Women’s health in urban areas is a cause of concern, especially during pregnancy. With fast-paced lives, pollution and incorrect eating habits, pregnancy health in women is far from ideal. Many women also suffer from mental health issues pre- or post-partum. “Yoga is a holistic science and works on the body, mind and spirit of the mother-to-be. If the mind is relaxed and at ease, it is easier for the body to be in sync and aligned. Most mothers who practise yoga have birthed naturally. One patient with repeated miscarriages and an IVF pregnancy was able to give birth naturally too, much to her, and our, surprise. It is the release of fears, doubts and the sense of confidence imparted in this programme that enables young women to go through their labour with calm and confidence,” says Nityatara Raina, yoga therapist at Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai, which has a programme called Yoga Birth for pregnant women.
Pranayama is particularly helpful to the mother as it helps provide vital life force to both her and the child. Also, towards the end of the pregnancy, the stomach pushes the diaphragm against the chest resulting in difficult and heavy breathing. Pranayama helps relieve this and ensures efficient exchange of O2 and CO2 between lungs and the heart.
Raina lists the following asanas as being beneficial during the various stages of pregnancy:
1. Ushtrasana – Beneficial for digestion, it stretches the stomach and intestines, relieving constipation. Relieves rounded back and drooping shoulders. Makes space for the baby.
2. Shashankasana – Also called child’s pose, this stretches the back muscles gently. Regulates functions of the adrenal glands and hence is very relaxing. Tones the pelvic muscles and the sciatica nerves.
3. Setu Asana – Opens the chest, improves respiration, strengthens the arms, shoulders and whole back.
4. Ek pada pranam asana – Strengthens the nervous balance. Improves posture. Also strengthens the leg, and hip muscles.
5. Marjariasana – also called cat pose. Tones the whole female reproductive system. Relieves the whole neck and spine. Helps improve digestion and circulation of blood throughout the body.
6. Utthanasana – Squat and rise pose. Strengthens the muscles of the middle of the back, the pelvis and the uterus. And also, the thighs, knees and ankles.
7. Kaliasana – also called Goddess pose or victory squat. Is a deep hip and pelvis opener. Releases stuck energy. Improves blood circulation in the abdominal organs and legs.
1. Sahjoli mudra – Tones and regulates the entire uro-genital system, correcting incontinence and urinary tract infections. Improves vaginal tone.
1. Moola Bandha – Stimulates the pelvic nerves and tones the uro-genital and excretory systems. Also effective in treating psychosomatic illnesses.