Vivek Dahiya, who first gained fame after he appeared in the television show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, recently recalled that during his struggling days, there was once a time when he did not have enough money for rent. In an interview, Vivek said that he had just finished his studies in the UK when he decided to come to Mumbai to try his luck as an actor.
Talking to Siddharth Kannan, the actor said that he was glad that he didn’t have a godfather because now, he can take credit for his own success and be proud of it. He recalled that one of his friends reminded him of the time when “just not having enough money for the rent” was an episode in his life. Vivek said that he came to Mumbai with Rs 60,000 in his bank account. His father wasn’t really supportive so he had given Vivek six months to make it work as an actor.
“We didn’t know anyone in this line. My father said you will be wasting your time and I have seen a lot of kids go astray after going to Bombay. He said take 6 months, if nothing works out, then you come back. I said ‘okay, either six months or when I run out of money. Whichever happens earlier. It’s so filmy that I had just Rs 4,500-5,000 left in my account and I knew I wasn’t ready to go back. I was thinking that I will have to borrow some money and that’s when I landed my first acting job,” he said.
Vivek Dahiya has appeared in shows like State Of Siege: 26/11, Pavitra Rishta 2. He was also a participant on Nach Baliye 8, which he won with his wife Divyanka Tripathi.
He will soon be seen in a film titled Chal Zindagi.