Karan Deol, who got married last week to Drisha Acharya, took to his social media on Tuesday and shared some unseen photos from his wedding. Karan’s photos feature his grandparents, veteran actor Dharmendra and Prakash Kaur, and his parents actor Sunny Deol and Pooja Deol. His uncles Bobby Deol and Abhay Deol also feature in these photos.
Prakash Kaur and Pooja Deol don’t make many appearances in public but the family wedding saw them both participating in the festivities. Previously, a few inside photos from the event featuring the two ladies were also shared online.
The first photo has the newlyweds posing with the Dharmendra and Prakash Kaur, and the second photo has Sunny and Pooja blessing the couple. The third photo, which is a family photo, also features Bobby and Tanya Deol, along with Sunny and Pooja, and a few other guests. One of the photos is a son-father picture where Sunny and Karan are looking out of the window.
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Along with the photos, Karan wrote a caption that read, “Grateful for the abundant blessings and the support of our cherished family, with hearts overflowing, we express gratitude and gratefulness ❤️ 🙏🏼”
The wedding of Karan Deol and Drisha Acharya was a star studded affair with the likes of Salman Khan, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Aamir Khan attending the festivities.
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The pre-wedding festivities of the couple began almost a week before the wedding where members of the Deol clan dressed up in their finest and danced their heart out. The sangeet night had Sunny dancing to Gadar’s “Main Nikla Gaddi Leke”. Bobby and Tanya performed on Barsaat’s “Humko Sirf Tumse Pyaar Hai” and Abhay Deol gave a solo performance on “Gal Mithhi Mithhi Bol”. Dharmendra also danced to “Yamla Pagla Deewana”, and Ranveer Singh performed the rap of “Apna Time Aayega”.
Karan Deol made his debut in the movies in 2019 with Sunny Deol’s Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas. He has Apne 2 in the pipeline.