Kerala Plus One First Allotment Result 2023: The Directorate of General Education (DGE) Kerala has released the first round allotment result of the Higher Secondary Centralised Admission Process (HSCAP) Plus One or Class 11 admissions. Students can check the first allotment list at the official website —
According to the official data, there are a total of 460147 valid applicants for 303409 seats. Total seats allotted are 2,41,104 and total vacancy is 62,305.
Step 1: Visit the official website —
Step 2: Click on the ‘candidate login – SWS’ link available on the homepage.
Step 3: Key in your username, password and district to login.
Step 4: The allotment will be visible on the screen.
Step 5: Download and save for future reference.
Candidates can apply for first round of admission till June 21. Allotment information will be available through ‘Candidate Login-SWS’ and through the ‘First Allot Results’ link in the candidate login.