The Khanna police on Tuesday booked three members of a family after they allegedly let their pit bull (dog) loose on an assistant sub-inspector (ASI) who had gone to their home in Galwaddi village of Ludhiana district, to serve summons in a property dispute case.
An FIR has been registered against Saroj Bala and her sons – Amandeep Singh and Akashdeep Singh – for allegedly letting their pit bull loose on ASI Avtar Singh.
ASI Avtar Singh said that a woman (Rachmit Tulsi), a native of Galwaddi village but currently residing in Noida (UP), had filed a complaint on April 9 that the accused were trying to grab a piece of land which was registered in the name of her husband Seeraj Singh.
On May 13, the ASI went to the house of the accused to serve the summons to join the investigation. The ASI alleged that instead of accepting the summons, the accused started abusing him. The accused thrashed him and asked him not to come again. They also let their pet dog loose on him. He escaped from the spot to save himself.
Inspector Gurmeet Singh, SHO Sadar Khanna police station, said that an FIR under Sections 447, 511, 353, 186 and 34 of IPC has been lodged against the accused after investigation. They are yet to be arrested.