The last day for withdrawing nominations for the July 8 panchayat elections in West Bengal was marred by incidents of violence and clashes in different parts of the state on Tuesday with the Opposition alleging that their candidates were being forced by the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) to drop out from the poll race. The TMC, however, denied the charge.
A TMC candidate’s husband, who also works for the party, was shot at on Monday night at Konamukta village under Gitaldah gram panchayat in Cooch Behar district.
Azizur Rahman, whose wife Dolly Khatun is a TMC candidate, was returning home when a group of men allegedly beat him up and shot him in the leg. Rahman was shifted to Cooch Behar Medical College and Hospital after his condition deteriorated at a Dinhata hospital. “When we were returning from a party meeting, BJP workers started arguing with us. There was a fight and then they fired at us. I was shot in the leg,” Rahman told the police.
“One person was injured in a clash between two groups. However, the situation is now under control,” said a police officer. TMC alleged that BJP-backed supporters were behind the incident. But the BJP denied the charge. BJP’s Dinhata city mandal president Ajay Roy said, “The incident was a fallout of infighting in TMC.”