The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will organise events to mark International Day of Yoga at each of the 70 Assembly constituencies in the capital on Wednesday including an outreach among the city’s Muslim community and an exhibition of works done by its government at the Centre during its nine-year tenure.
“We are organising many such programme across Delhi, but the highlight among them will be a community Yoga event at the Herra School in the Maulana Azad Medical College campus where 200 to 250 people from the Muslim community, residing in the Walled City, will participate,” said BJP Minority Morcha In-charge Atif Rasheed.
Meanwhile, a war of words broke out between Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and the BJP over the AAP government’s free Yoga classes initiative, which stopped last year.
“Two years ago, the Delhi government started free yoga classes for the people of Delhi. About 17,000 people started doing yoga in these every day. Last year they got these yoga classes stopped. People became very sad. Who benefits from this?” Kejriwal tweeted.
Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva said the classes closed down only because of non-payment of salaries to teachers. “If he was really concerned about Yoga classes, he would have taken administrative permission to enroll Yoga teachers; but Arvind Kejriwal only does politics of controversies,” Sachdeva said.