It is an exciting milestone in a parent’s life to introduce solid foods in their babies’ diet. As your little one approaches six months of age, it’s essential to consider their readiness for this new adventure.
While introducing solids in your babies’ food is imperative, it is also essential to prioritise your baby’s individual needs and developmental readiness. Every baby is different, so it’s important to be flexible and responsive to your baby’s needs and preferences.
So, before you start feeding solids to your baby, Krushnali, a parenting coach on Instagram shares five important things to keep in mind.
Take a look.
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*Make sure you are feeding your baby in a comfortable time slot, so that you do not have to rush things and dedicate that time only to feeding your baby without a rush.
*You should make sure that your baby is sitting straight on a firm surface; the baby should not be laying down or sitting in an inclined position. For example, on mother’s lap, floor or chairs.
*Before feeding make sure your baby is not too full nor hungry. For instance, you can offer solids to your baby after 30-40 minutes of breastfeeding.
*Try to feed your baby with different varieties of food; do not just feed the same food every day to the child.
*Always trust your baby; if your child takes one or ten bites it does not matter because in the first year, mother’s milk and formulas are best for the baby.
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