C. Raja Mohan is a Senior Fellow at the Asia Society Policy Institute, Delhi--a division of the Asia Society India Centre in Mumbai. He is a contributing editor on international affairs for The Indian Express.
June 21,2023 07:00:58 AM
C Raja Mohan writes: The two leaders have turned the traditional discourse on India-US relations in Delhi and Washington on its head. This can open the doors to technological and defence collaboration
Wed, Jun 21, 2023June 12,2023 16:02:42 PM
Indian PM could emulate former Chinese leader by seizing geoeconomic possibilities opened up by Biden's policies, global churn
Tue, Jun 13, 2023June 07,2023 06:55:43 AM
US initiatives in Indo-Pacific are paying dividends as many Asian nations are developing the political will to confront China
Thu, Jun 08, 2023May 30,2023 16:04:26 PM
Several factors have come together to make the interaction between India and its diaspora at once more charged, contentious, and consequential. Recently, the BJP has gained ground among overseas Indians
Fri, Jun 02, 2023May 23,2023 18:28:30 PM
As a bipolar framework envelops Asia, official Delhi will continue to adapt, but foreign policy discourse lags behind
Wed, May 24, 2023May 17,2023 07:00:30 AM
C Raja Mohan writes: In the geoeconomic domain, there is growing convergence of interests between India and the US. A model less driven by market fundamentalism presents an opportunity for India
Wed, May 17, 2023May 10,2023 07:15:36 AM
Seizing opportunities in the Gulf would require long overdue modernisation of Delhi’s strategic discourse, a conscious effort to change outdated narratives
Wed, May 10, 2023May 02,2023 18:18:55 PM
Pakistan will need a lot of time and space to get its domestic act together and rebuild a foreign policy consensus. Is there anything that India can do until then? One priority for Delhi must be to sustain the valuable backchannel to the army leadership in Rawalpindi
Wed, May 10, 2023April 25,2023 14:30:01 PM
C Raja Mohan writes: Delhi’s engagement with the SCO all these decades was premised on Russian primacy in the region and Moscow’s support of India’s regional interests. That may be changing
Fri, Apr 28, 2023April 18,2023 15:46:15 PM
C Raja Mohan writes: Both Asia and Europe are divided on attitudes towards US, China. Those Asian powers that can better navigate the current contradictions within the West are likely to benefit the most
Wed, Apr 19, 2023April 12,2023 07:00:14 AM
C Raja Mohan writes: If the Kashmir talks that almost came to fruition were Satinder Lambah’s last hurrah in a diplomatic life devoted to negotiating peace with Islamabad, the political failure to conclude them marked the end of an era in India-Pakistan relations
Fri, Apr 14, 2023April 05,2023 07:10:27 AM
C Raja Mohan writes: New Delhi can see that their overreach has cemented broad western unity rather than separating Europe from the US
Wed, Apr 05, 2023March 28,2023 17:43:53 PM
Long wary of Russian expansionism, central Europe is now building regional alliances — with Poland often acting as a lynchpin — to counter Moscow. Delhi must engage with the region
Thu, Mar 30, 2023March 21,2023 17:08:23 PM
C Raja Mohan writes: The stage is set for a restructuring of Delhi’s geopolitics, as the rules governing the world that emerged at the end of the Cold War come under escalating stress
Fri, Mar 24, 2023March 15,2023 07:20:51 AM
Defence cooperation between US, UK and Australia highlights the opportunity for Delhi to develop a unique set of arrangements with Washington and its allies
Thu, Mar 16, 2023March 08,2023 06:38:13 AM
It is a sign of expansion of ties between New Delhi and Canberra. Both commerce and geopolitics are transforming bilateral relations
Wed, Mar 08, 2023March 01,2023 07:00:59 AM
As it steers the G20 amidst renewed great-power rivalry, India must temper its expectations. Reducing the inevitable negative impact of conflicts between major powers on the forum will be a diplomatic achievement for Delhi
Wed, Mar 01, 2023February 21,2023 18:29:49 PM
While the room for diplomacy in Ukraine is growing, the barriers to peace are very high. But that shouldn't stop Delhi and Beijing from playing a part in ending the war
Wed, Feb 22, 2023February 15,2023 07:15:51 AM
Under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Tokyo has been pushing the G7 to engage developing nations while casting aside preconceptions and recognising their historical and cultural backgrounds, writes C. Raja Mohan.
Wed, Feb 15, 2023February 08,2023 07:20:09 AM
New global defence engagements open up possibilities for modernising its defence industrial base in partnership with friendly states, writes C. Raja Mohan.
Thu, Feb 09, 2023February 01,2023 07:20:21 AM
China can ramp up, at will, the military pressure on the disputed border with India; Delhi depends on Russian military supplies to cope with the PLA challenge; and Moscow is now a junior partner to Beijing. It is not a nice place for Delhi to be in
Sat, Feb 04, 2023January 26,2023 07:18:19 AM
The renewed engagement with Egypt is about consolidating India’s new coalition with moderate Sunni states in the Middle East, including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. It could help promote peace and stability in the Middle East and South Asia
Fri, Jan 27, 2023January 18,2023 07:10:24 AM
Japan is leading the way to show that the security of Europe, Indo-Pacific is indivisible. For Delhi, there are opportunities and challenges, writes C. Raja Mohan.
Wed, Jan 18, 2023January 11,2023 07:26:52 AM
India should avoid the temptation of building a bloc against the developed North. Instead, offer sustainable economic cooperation to the Global South through national, regional, and global institutions to further joint causes
Wed, Jan 11, 2023January 04,2023 07:16:19 AM
India’s G20 leadership would be a success if it can prevent the complete breakdown of the multilateral system and generate major power consensus on a few issues.
Tue, Jan 10, 2023