The Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (IIT Gandhinagar) will host an online JEE Open House session for the IIT aspirants on June 21. Those who have successfully cleared the JEE (Advanced) 2023 examination. The session will be attended by the director, deans of academic and student affairs, heads of counselling and career development services.
The JEE Advanced qualified students along with their families will be able to interact with the faculty, students, and alumni of IIT Gandhinagar. The online session aims to make students aware of the ethos of IIT Gandhinagar, the vision and mission of the institute, and the structure of its innovative academic programs including double major and dual degree programmes, liberal policy for branch or programme change, scholarships and financial support.
The online session will talk about opportunities for undergraduate research, international internship, on-campus employment facilities, future career development and entrepreneurship, vibrant student life inside the campus with several extra-curricular initiatives.
This year, IIT Gandhinagar has launched a new BTech programme in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the upcoming new session. The institute is also going to start a dual degree (BTech-MTech) program in Mechanical Engineering.
As these two programmes will start this year only, a total of 80 new seats have been added to the institute’s already running undergraduate programmes.