The Karnataka High Court has granted 12 weeks time to the state government to redo the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) delimitation exercise, previously completed under the BJP Government in July 2022, which had led to the number of BBMP wards going up from 198 to 243. A division bench consisting of Chief Justice Prasanna B Varale and Justice M G Kamal Monday passed the order in response to an appeal filed by former Bengaluru Mayor Manjunatha Reddy against an earlier verdict which had allowed the delimitation.
The appellants had argued that the delimitation process was carried out contrary to guidelines, including maintenance of average populations. Further, they argued that as per provisions of the BBMP Act, the wards should be demarcated within the boundaries of the existing assembly constituencies. They also argued that there were issues with the time limit by which the Delimitation Commission should have finished its work.
The Advocate-General submitted that the government wished to conduct the BBMP elections after following all necessary prerequisites and if time was granted, the state government would carry out a fresh delimitation exercise based on existing guidelines.
The bench noted that, “We are of the opinion that the statement made by the learned Advocate General is a fair approach to the matter. No prejudice would be caused to anyone if such an exercise is undertaken whereas, it will help in smooth conducting of elections. As such, we grant twelve weeks’ time to the state government for undertaking a fresh exercise of delimitation process by strictly adhering to the prescribed guidelines and the relevant provisions of law.”
The matter will be heard again once the time period expires.