Saharanpur police Tuesday attached properties of alleged gangster Haji Iqbal, worth over Rs. 500 crores, across Saharanpur, Lucknow and Greater Noida.
Senior Superintendent of Police (Saharanpur) Vipin Tada said that action has been taken under Uttar Pradesh Gangsters and Anti-Social Activities (Prevention) Act which allows the attachment of illegal properties to curb gangsters.
Of the total seized, property worth Rs. 200 crore is in Saharanpur. Apart from this, several plots for a proposed township near the Knowledge Park under the Ecotech-3 police station area in Greater Noida’s Gautam Budh Nagar district, estimated to be worth around Rs 300 crore, and a bungalow in Lucknow worth Rs 7 crore has been seized as well.
“Haji Iqbal is a mining mafia, declared by the government, from Saharanpur. He has also been involved in other crimes. Many cases have been registered against him including harassment of women, cheating, embezzlement, encroachment of government properties etc. Many of his family members are in jail,” said Tada.
“A reward of one lakh rupees has been declared for him. At present, he is wanted in many cases and he is absconding. His property of 500 acres was identified during the investigation under the Gangster Act. After this, the proposal for the attachment of this property was presented before the District Magistrate of Saharanpur. Police have now seized this 500 crore property. Further legal action is being taken,” he added.
SSP Saharanpur also said that police teams are working to identify more allegedly ill-gotten properties belonging to Iqbal and legal action would be taken against him accordingly.