As the current Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi leaves for his visit to the United States on Tuesday, here's a look at Indian PMs who have attended state dinners at White House over the years. In this picture, US President Truman greets Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, and Ambassador Vijaya Pandit, of India, upon their arrival at the Washington National Airport on October 11, 1949. (Photo: Park Service, Abbie Rowe, Courtesy of Harry S. Truman Library)
Here, US President and Mrs. Eisenhower, Vice President and Mrs. Nixon greet Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi at the North Entrance of the White House on December 16, 1956. (Photo: Park Service, Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library)
US President and Mrs. Johnson can be seen greeting Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi at the North Entrance of the White House on March 28, 1966. (Photo: B. Johnson Library)
US President and Mrs. Nixon and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi stand with performers Patricia McBride and Edward Villella of the New York City Ballet, Hugo Fiorato, Conductor and William Schustik, Guitarist, in the East Room, November 4, 1971. (Photo: Nixon Presidential Materials)
Further, United States President Reagan, Prime Minister Gandhi and guests are seen seated during a State Dinner at the White House on July 29, 1982. (Photo: Ronald Reagan Library)
Here is an invitation to the State Dinner honoring Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, on June 12, 1985. (Photo:
The dinner was held on June 12, 1985, at 7:30 ''clock, as stated in the invitation. (Photo: Reagan Library)
US President and Mrs. Clinton applaud Prime Minister Atal Bhari Vajpayee of India at their State Dinner on the South Lawn on September 17, 2000. (Photo: J. Clinton Presidential Library)
In this picture, you can see the then US President and Mrs. Bush stand with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and wife, Gursharan Kaur, at the base of the Grand Staircase, on July 18, 2005. (Photo: W. Bush Presidential Library)