We know that yoga is supremely important when it comes to our health and overall well-being. Yoga experts and even doctors say that it can bring calm to your life, especially in the pandemic chaos, by helping you stay in the pink of health. Among its many advantages, did you know that yoga is also super helpful in giving you great skin and healthy hair? (Photo: Getty/Thinkstock)
On the occasion of International Day of Yoga today, Pradaini Surva, a content creator on Trell and a yoga instructor, shares with indianexpress.com some simple postures that can help you get radiant skin, while also reducing hair fall. For your skin, start with Viparita Karani, which is said to purify the blood and increase its flow towards your face, as seen in the picture. (Photo: PR handout)
Next, try the Kapalabhati. This practice, too, will increase blood supply to your face and remove impurities by forceful exhalation. Its literal translation is 'skull shining'. (Photo: PR handout)
Anuloma Viloma: Stress is said to indicate its presence on your skin first. It is best to treat the root cause to help you move towards mind-body balance by creating a calm inner environment. (Photo: PR handout)
Try the Sirsasana, which is a blood rush to the head. It rejuvenates the skin and calms the mind. (Photo: PR handout)
Prithvi Mudra: It reduces the fire inside the body, helping us overcome issues like inflammation and discolouration of the skin. (Photo: PR handout)
For the hair, begin with Balayam Mudra. It is the process of rubbing your nails against each other. It is one of the easiest ways to reduce hair fall. Five to ten minutes of it is ideal. (Photo: PR handout)
Sirsasana head-stand: This posture provides oxygen to your hair cells and energises them. (Photo: PR handout)
Downdog: It calms your mind, reduces anxiety and stress, and improves digestion. A good digestive system helps in supplying more nutrients to the hair. (Photo: PR handout)
Vajrasana: It reduces stress as well, which is one of the major triggers for hair loss. (Photo: PR handout)
Balasana: It is a forward-bend pose. It stretches the lower back and relaxes the whole body while the forehead feels the gentle massage when placed on the mat. Do this for the total relaxation of the body. (Photo: PR handout)