As the city celebrates International Yoga Day on Wednesday, some 90 kms away from Pune, atop a hill at Asane village in Ambegaon tehsil, around 200 tribal students from government ashram shalas will perform a series of yoga poses. Joining them on the ground below will be another 1000 tribal students from four government ashram shalas in Ghodegaon village.
Jagdish Padvi (22) a tribal student from Nashik who is presently a student of the Teachers Assistant Training Course conducted by the tribal unit of National Institute of Naturopathy and supported by the Maharashtra Tribal department, will guide other students atop the hill along with their mentor Laxman Mahale (26).
“We have been conducting various practice sessions and it will be a unique effort to have so many students performing at the scenic hilltop,” he said.
Mahesh Gadekar (24), from the Mahadeo Koli tribe, will also conduct the session on the ground at the government ashram shalas in Ghodegaon village. “Yoga practice can help destress and control unwanted thoughts,” he said.
Dr Divya Panwar, Medical Officer at the Tribal Unit, who has been coordinating the activities along with Dr Satya Laxmi, Director, NIN and the Integrated Tribal Development Project of Maharashtra government, said that in three years they have reached out to more than 3000 tribal youth across six ashram shalas and encouraged the practice of yoga and naturopathy.
This is not all. Across the city, several organisations have planned yoga day events.
Some commenced from June 1 itself. Rajeshree Tupe, a student of late Yogacharya BKS Iyengar and CEO at Shriyog Institute, said a 20-day yoga knowledge series was held from June 1 to 20. “This was conducted live online as well to gain an insight into topics such as ‘yoga and happiness’, ‘yoga and your body’, ‘meditation myths’, and so on. “Yoga Day will be celebrated with Vidya Pratishthan’s Magarpatta City Public School, introducing young students to Yoga through invocations and practice sessions. This year, we also conducted a live Yoga session for the Southern Command at Pune’s Milkha Singh stadium,” Tupe added.
At the Indian Medical Association, doctors from various disciplines will participate in an hour-long session, Dr Aarti Nimkar, convenor of the programme said. Pregnant women will also perform yoga at some of the city hospitals to improve their physical and mental fitness levels.