If you’re concerned about your sugar levels but still want to enjoy mangoes for breakfast, there are a few strategies you can follow. While mangoes do contain natural sugars, they also provide various nutrients, particularly vitamins and key minerals, and are a delicious addition to a balanced diet. Here’s how you can incorporate mangoes into your morning routine while keeping an eye on your carb intake:
Portion control: Moderation is the key. Instead of consuming a whole mango, measure out the appropriate portion size. A typical serving of mango is around one cup or about 150 grams. Now if you have blood sugar, then calculate your carbohydrate allowance from fruit and halve the serving or have thinner slices.
Map the timing: Since a mango can cause sugar spikes, it is not to be had on an empty stomach. As a whole fruit, it works best as a mid-meal snack. For breakfast, have it in combination with other macro nutrient-rich foods but never have it as a dessert or at the end of a meal. That’s because you are adding to the carbohydrates you have had in your main meal and are only increasing the caloric load.
Pair with protein and healthy fats: Combining mangoes with protein and healthy fats can help slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, reducing the impact on blood sugar levels. Consider adding some Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or a handful of nuts alongside your mango slices.
Consider the glycemic index: The glycemic index (GI) ranks foods based on how quickly they raise blood sugar levels. Mangoes have a medium GI, which means they can cause a moderate increase in blood sugar. However, the presence of fibre in mangoes can help slow down the absorption of sugar. If you’re particularly sensitive to sugar spikes, you might want to consume mangoes in smaller portions or pair them with protein and fats as mentioned earlier.
Opt for raw mangoes: Raw mangoes tend to have a lower sugar content compared to ripe, sweet mangoes. They are also rich in fibre and can be a good choice for managing blood sugar levels. You can enjoy raw mangoes in salads, chutneys, relishes or even as a side dish. Enjoying mangoes that are still slightly firm can provide a balance of sweetness and fibre while minimising the impact on your blood sugar levels.
Consider your overall carbohydrate intake: It’s essential to balance your carbohydrate intake throughout the day. If you plan to have mangoes for breakfast, be mindful of the other carb sources you consume during the day and reduce them to make room for mangoes. This way, you can manage your total carbohydrate intake and maintain stable blood sugar levels. A medium-sized mango could contain around 45-50 grams of carbohydrates, so check your allowance.
One cup (165 grams) of fresh mango provides
Calories: 99
Protein: 1.4 grams
Carbs: 24.7 grams
Fat: 0.6 grams
Fibre: 2.6 grams
Sugar: 22.5 grams
Vitamin C: 67 per cent of Daily Value (DV)
Copper: 20 per cent of DV
Folate: 18 per cent of DV
Vitamin B6: 12 per cent of DV
Vitamin A: 10 per cent of DV
Vitamin E: 10 per cent of DV
Vitamin K: 6 per cent of DV
Niacin: 7 per cent of DV
Potassium: 6 per cent of DV
Riboflavin: 5 per cent of DV
Magnesium: 4 per cent of DV
Thiamine: 4 per cent of the DV
The vitamin C is the biggest gain as it boosts immunity, helps the body absorb iron and repairs and renews cells.