Uttar Pradesh BJP’s Sambhal minority morcha chief Shah Alam and his supporters were beaten with clubs and sticks both inside and outside a mosque on Friday allegedly for inviting the saffron party’s Badaun MP, Dr Sanghmitra Maurya, at his home in Rajpura village on Wednesday.
An FIR has been lodged at Rajpura police station by a constable against 10 named and 15 unidentified persons. The police have arrested seven of the accused so far and a hunt is on to nab the others, said an officer.
Gunnaur Deputy Superintendent of Police Alok Siddhu said, “There is some dispute between the two factions on the issue of the rent of six shops inside the mosque premises. A person (Alam) was beaten up inside the mosque and we are trying to identify those who were involved in the attack by scanning the CCTV footage.”
According to the police, when Alam went to the mosque on Friday to offer his prayers, one Abdul Layeek, reportedly a Samajwadi Party leader, took the mic and allegedly said, “People who are with the BJP despite being a Muslim should not be allowed to enter the mosque and should also be ostracised from the community.”
When Alam raised an objection to Layeek’s comments, he was beaten up by those present in the mosque. A few hours after the attack, some of Alam’s supporters were attacked at the Rajpura market by Layeek and others. The clash between the two groups led to a stampede in the market and shop owners downed the shutters apprehending trouble.
The police soon rushed to the spot and arrested seven persons. In-charge of Rajpura police station Pawan Kumar Singh said, “The injured have been admitted to the hospital. We are taking all measures to maintain peace in the affected areas and an adequate police force has been deployed.”
Speaking to The Indian Express, Maurya said, “I had visited Alam’s house in Rajpura on Wednesday. Later, when I came to know about the attack, I spoke to the Sambhal SP and asked him to take action.” At Alam’s house, Maurya had attended a meeting with morcha leaders.