Actor Salman Khan launched the second season of Bigg Boss OTT on Saturday. To be streamed for six weeks on the JioCinema platform, the show will feature 13 contestants locked inside a ‘strange house’. While the makers had already teased the identities of 12 celebrities participating in the show, Bollywood actor-filmmaker Pooja Bhatt was revealed as the surprise final contestant in Saturday’s premiere.
The episode also saw Bigg Boss 16 winner MC Stan, former Bigg Boss contestant and actor Sunny Leone, TV producer Sandiip Sikcand and news anchor Dibang grilling the contestants before they stepped inside the house. Pooja was seen as one of the panelists, however, as the night culminated, Salman announced that she too will be competing for the trophy and prize money.
Speaking to the media at the Bigg Boss OTT 2 event on Friday, Salman said that he is looking forward to hosting the reality show, and added that he will make sure nothing on the show is against Indian culture.
Salman opened up about his expectations from the upcoming season, and said, “I always look forward to Bigg Boss. First time on Bigg Boss OTT. I hope it is not too uncensored and unfiltered, and if it is, then I will control it myself. The show should run keeping in mind our culture and that’s why I am a part of Bigg Boss OTT. Actually, Karan and Farah were not available, that’s why I had to do Bigg Boss OTT.”
He added, “Main OTT par bhi aise kuch hone nahi dunga jo humare khilaf aur humare culture ke khilaf ho. Main nahi hone dunga (I will not allow anything against our culture on the show).”
Here’s an introduction to the list of contestants:
Bigg Boss OTT 2 will stream 24X7 with multi-angle cameras giving audiences a closer look at their favourite contestants.