Bigg Boss OTT Season 2 premiered on June 17 with Pooja Bhatt, Abhishek Malhan, Palak Purswani, Avinash Sachdev, Manisha Rani, Jiya Shankar, Jad Hadid, Falaq Naaz, Cyrus Broacha, Bebika Dhurve, Akanksha Puri and Aaliya Siddiqui as the contestants. Salman Khan also made his digital debut as the host of Bigg Boss OTT 2. On Day 2, the contestants were seen forming connections inside the house and they shared anecdotes of their personal lives. Pooja Bhatt was seen candidly sharing about her journey of overcoming alcoholism at the age of 44.
Pooja Bhatt,during a chat with Cyrus Broacha, opened up about recovering from alcoholism at the age of 44. “I had a drinking problem, and that’s why I acknowledged my addiction and made the decision to quit,” she shared.
Pooja Bhatt added, “Society gives a license to men and thus they can openly speak about being addicted and recovering from alcoholism. However, women don’t openly drink and so they don’t openly recover. I used to drink openly so when I thought of recovering from alcoholism, I realised that why should I recover in the closet?”
Pooja mentioned that she stopped drinking at the age of 44 and added further, “People used to call me an alcoholic but then I said I’m a recovering alcoholic.”
Pooja had addressed her alcoholism and recovery on social media earlier. She had also said in an interview to Mumbai Mirror, “I was born to a man who has never done anything in half-measure and I inherited that. So when I drank, I drank copiously. Your appetite increases even as the alcohol does terrible things to your body, clutters your mind and colours your judgement of the people you’re hanging out with.”
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Bigg Boss OTT 2 is streaming on JioCinema. The season will be six weeks long and the 13 contestants are locked together inside a house. They will be under the surveillance of the CCTV cameras 24×7.
Puneet Superstar became the first contestant to be evicted from Bigg Boss OTT 2.