West Bengal Governor C V Ananda Bose on Monday said that incidents of violence in the run-up to panchayat elections in the state were a “reality and not fiction” and, that he is currently focused on “containing them”.
The Governor was speaking to media persons during a visit to the ‘Peace Room’ which was set up at the Raj Bhavan to address grievances of the people during the panachayat elections.
“There have been certain instances. All stakeholders – the state government, the State Election Commission, political parties, media and the silent majority – are trying to contain those. Violence here (in West Bengal) is a reality and not a fiction. We have to contain and curb it. That’s what I am focusing on,” said the Governor.
The single-phase panchayat elections in the state would be held on July 8 and the counting of votes on July 11. The process of filing nominations for the rural polls – which ended on July 15 – was marred by widespread violence that left at least seven dead. Last week, the Governor visited violence-hit areas of Bhangar and Canning in South Parganas district and interacted with locals.
Following his visit, he had on Saturday ordered for the setting up of the Peace Room.
“Some miscreant elements have opened ‘war rooms’ in some places of the state. We want to establish that the common man will be able to live in peace and go to the polls without fear,” he said.
Over 300 complaints have been received at the Peace Room over the past two days. The complaints registered range from alleged instances of physical attacks to political intimidation. The Governor said the complaints “were not allegations but facts”, as most of those are coming from the “survivors of political violence”.
“We are analysing the complaints received and sending those to the competent authorities,” he said. The complaints include the one made by Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) MP from Darjeeling Raju Bista, who alleged a threat to his life. Sources said after receiving Bista’s complaint, the Governor brought it to the notice of State Election Commissioner Rajiva Sinha and West Bengal Chief Secretary H K Dwivedi. Sinha has informed the Raj Bhavan that the District Magistrate of Darjeeling has been asked to take immediate action.
On the deployment of central forces for the July 8 panchayat election, the Governor said it would be better to wait for the verdict, as the matter is in the Supreme Court.
The ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC), meanwhile, has criticised the Governor for setting up the ‘Peace Room’. TMC MP Santanu Sen said, “Out of 341 blocks in West Bengal, incidents of violence took place only in three to four blocks. Once the election is announced, the law and order come under the control of the Election Commission. Neither the Governor nor anyone else is above the law. In such a situation, it is a big question whether he can do such a thing. This Peace Room is not required in West Bengal.”Ahmedabad/Ahmedabad/