Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena Tuesday directed the Delhi government to set up a ‘single-window system’ for approving applications by shops and business establishments proposing to operate round-the-clock in the national capital.
L-G House officials said that Saxena had issued directions in the matter to the Labour Department in a bid to promote ease of doing business, facilitate economic activities and employment generation in Delhi.
Saxena noted the need for the move while approving a file proposing such exemptions to 155 establishments in the city. Exemptions under Sections 14, 15 and 16 of The Delhi Shops and Establishments Act, 1954 are given to businesses engaged in providing essential services to the public. These services fall under various sectors including e-commerce, grocery stores, hospitality, airport services, cargo services, cold-storage, warehouses and security services, among others.
“In order to promote ease and facilitation, the Labour Department may be advised that the development of Single Window System as an integral portal for registration, amendment and exemption of establishments must be taken up expeditiously,” the L-G noted.
The department was duty-bound to observe strict adherence to stipulated timelines for the disposal of pending as well as fresh applications, according to L-G House officials.